Texts in Europe and South America speak of ancient people who lived on Earth before the Earth had a moon. In Greece they were called Proseleneans, meaning pro-noon or ‘before the moon’ The idea of a world without a moon also survives in oral tradition among the Indians of the Bogota highlands in the eastern Cordilleras of Colombia. “In the earliest times, the moon was not in the heavens,” say the tribesmen of Chibchas, when relating to ancient times. More likely this story telling relates to an actual physical absence of the moon and is not a simple metaphor said by somebody in order to emphasize that the events have happened a long period ago.
Definitely the Cataclysm that is historical event and recorded in the tradition of many nations (Jews-Noah, Greeks-Defkalion, Indians-Gilgamesh etc,) did not emanate from nowhere.
It was caused by a phenomenon not derived from an internal reason but definitely from an external one. Some 12000 years ago, more specific in 9600 B.C. as the big Cataclysm has been dated by the scientists, "something" caused big agitation to the gravitational field of the Earth. Big earthquakes and floods affected the earth and literally drowned the flat and coastal regions causing biblical destructions to the islander clusters and among them Atlantis The phenomenon that caused the flood, cannot be explained itself with some natural changes in the earth, such as the violent locomotion of the axis of rotation of the earth’s (polar shifting) or certain other natural phenomenon .The reason was not a local phenomenon, but a global flood.
In South America, symbols found on the wall of the Courtyard of Kalasasaya, near the city of Tiahuanaco (in Bolivia), record that the moon first appeared around 12,000 years ago. The appearance of the moon was said to have caused great disruption to the Earth in the form of earthquakes, massive flooding and climate changes. Interestingly, this remote site has been suggested by some scholars as being the actual location of Plato’s legendary Atlantis and this great planetary upheaval as being the cataclysmic event that destroyed Atlantis.
Very probably therefore, if indeed the moon came in our spatial neighbourhood 12.000 years ago, (that is to around 10.000 B.C..), is accountable for the last big cataclysm that affected Earth precisely that time!!!
Incredible to be a simple coincidence.
Is the Moon accountable for the disappearance of Atlantis that was found precisely on the Mean-Oceanic Ridge of Atlantic? By any chance, the disturbance in the gravitational attraction of Earth would cause without fail enormous earthquakes in the regions of conflict of the plates. Atlantis that appears clearly in the Google earth that it was located in the Atlantic Ocean in the point where the African collides and the North-American plate, would suffer the biggest earthquake of history, while the shifting of the plates, where the one was sunk inside the other, it would also drift e Atlantis to the bottom of the ocean.
Why however the moon did cause such agitation to Earth? Why today it doesn’t cause flood or big earthquakes to it? The answer is relatively easy.
When the cosmic satellite, the moon, was approaching the earth, logically it would pass relatively close to the Earth before it was led to this amazing place in the sky .The Roche limit for earth-moon is 18.261 kilometres.
Consequently if the moon passed 30.000- 40.000 kilometres away from the earth, it was not effected by no means from the tidal forces of the earth The earth would not cause no co[lateral effect to the moon since it does not allocate, either fluid core or plates as an inactive seismic world. However the moon passing near from the earth would cause it a huge shock .The attraction of the moon in this distance would be 100 times more powerful than is today. Enormous earthquakes would be caused by the violent locomotion of the plates, explosions of volcanoes with big frequency and enormous tides Tsunami’s waves hit the coastal and islander regions How much time lasted the agitation of the earth? Taking into consideration Noah and the Old Testament, the moon remained in our neighbourhood for 40 days and then it was removed away from the Earth When the moon left from our neighbourhood, the things calmed down completely, but the earth had changed completely, since important cultures were disappeared. It seems that then big part of the ancient knowledge was lost for ever and the culture of the earth began again from the Stone Age!!!
This is the most reasonable explanation for the Global cataclysm. And the Moon, very likely is responsible for that .
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